国家及交易所 简称 全称
上海期货交易所 SHFE ShanghaiFuturesExchange
大连商品交易所 DCE DalianCommodity Exchange
郑州商品交易所 CZCE ZhengzhouCommodity Exchange
芝加哥期货交易所 CBOT The Chicago Board of Trade (soybean,corn, wheat, Heating Oil)
芝加哥期货交易所 CME ChicagoMercantile Exchange
芝加哥期权交易所 CBOE ChicagoBoard Options Exchange
纽约商业交易所 NYMEX New York MercantileExchange (usoil)
纽约期货交易所 NYBOT New YorkBoard of Trade
美国(纽约)金属交易所 COMEX Commerce Exchange
美中商品交易所 MIDAM Midamericacommodity exchange
堪萨斯商品交易所 KC *** KansasCity Board of Trade
加拿大蒙特利尔交易所 ME MontrealExchange Markets
伦敦国际金融期货及选择权交易所 LIFFELondon International Financial Futures and OptionsExchange
伦敦商品交易所 LCE London Commerce Exchange
英国国际石油交易所 IPE International Petroleum Exchange—— ICE (brent crude oil)
伦敦金属交易所 LMELondon Metal Exchange (XAUUSD,copper)
法国期货交易所 MATIF -
德国期货交易所 DTB DeutscheBoerse
瑞士选择权与金融期货交易所 SOFFEXSwiss Exchange
瑞典斯德哥尔摩选择权交易所 OM OMStockholm
西班牙固定利得金融期货交易所MEFFRF MEFF Renta Fija
西班牙不定利得金融期货交易所MEFFRV MEFF Renta Variable
日本东京国际金融期货交易所 TIFFE TheTokyo International Financial Futures Exchange
东京工业品交易所 TOCOM The TokyoCommodity Exchange
日本东京谷物交易所 TGE The TokyoGrain Exchange
日本大阪纤维交易所 OTE -
日本前桥干茧交易所 MDCE -
新加坡国际金融交易所 SIMEXSingapore International Monetary Exchange
新加坡商品交易所 SICOM SingaporeCommodity Exchange
澳洲悉尼期货交易所 SFE SydneyFutures Exchange
纽西兰期货与选择权交易所 NZFOE NewZealand Futures Options
香港期货交易所 HKFE Hong KongFutures Exchange
台湾期货交易所 TAIFEX TaiwanFutures Exchange
南非期货交易所 SAFEX South AfricanFutures Exchange
一、期货的英文是forward; [经]futures。
1、这一报告可能会在今天开市后 *** 一些人买进玉米期货。
This report could spur some buying in corn futures when the market opens today.
A question mark hangs over many of their futures.
Futures prices recovered from sharp early declines to end with moderate losses.
futures broker : 期货经纪
. . . 财经英语词汇翻译(F) ...
future expenses 未来开支
futures broker 期货经纪
Futures Compensation Funfutures broker : 期货经纪
1. It is among the most active futures broker on exchanges in Chicago, New York, London and Singapore and a player in cash foreign exchange, international equities and debt markets.
2. Under the policy that futures broker business will be monopolized by futures companies in China, in the initial stage of the development of futures market, innovative security companies will participate in the financial futures business as introduce brokers (IB) through takeover futures companies.
3. The paper has *** yzed the situation that futures companies gain the exclusive qualification of futures broker business and restructure by developing the business, and also *** yzed the qualification of purchasing futures companies for security companies and the support and implementation of several polices.
d Committee 期货赔偿基金委员会〔证券及期货事务监察委员会〕 ...
cn176.com - 基于115个网页
1. How much does specific convert become, must agree beforehand in exponential futures contract, call the measure of agreement, if stipulate the dimension of futures of this market index is 100 yuan, it is with 1000 bits exemple, the value of an agreement is 100000 yuan.
2. Identify an evidence (actually all period authority) with long-dated or of futures depending on what what former holder obtains respectively is not a kind of responsibility, however a kind of right, latter holder needs responsible executive both sides to be ordered on business contract bright the value that assigns with, designation prospective time, trade designation relevant property.
[词典] forward; [经] futures;
[例句]这一报告可能会在今天开市后 *** 一些人买进玉米期货。
This report could spur some buying in corn futures when the market opens today
期货的翻译: futures ,future goods
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